In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce and retail, small parcel shipping has become a critical component of logistics strategies. However, what many companies overlook are the hidden costs that can erode profit margins and create operational inefficiencies. With rising carrier surcharges and increasingly complex shipping networks, it’s more important than ever to uncover and manage these hidden costs. In this blog, we’ll explore the challenges shippers face, the impact of rising carrier costs, and how advanced shipping software like ShipConsole can help you mitigate these expenses.

The Hidden Challenges of Small Parcel Shipping

Shipping small parcels may seem straightforward, but it’s riddled with challenges that can significantly impact your bottom line:

Rising Carrier Costs & Surcharges: In 2024, carriers like FedEx, UPS, and DHL have announced General Rate Increases (GRIs) of 5.9%. Along with these rate hikes come surcharges for residential delivery, fuel, and dimensional weight, which can add up quickly in small parcel shipping.

Complexity in Managing Multiple Carriers: Many businesses work with multiple carriers to secure the best rates, but this approach can create complexities in contract management, billing, and shipment tracking. Mismanagement in these areas can lead to errors that drive up costs.

Lack of Data Visibility: Without the right tools, it’s difficult to gain visibility into shipping operations. Data-driven decisions are crucial for identifying and reducing hidden costs, but many companies lack the technology to harness this power​.

The Growing Impact of Rising Shipping Costs

Every year, the shipping landscape becomes more challenging, with carriers increasing rates to cover their operational costs and maintain profitability. These increases aren’t just about the base rate; they include a variety of surcharges that can catch shippers off guard. The impact on organizations can be severe, with shipping costs eating into margins, forcing companies to pass these costs onto customers, or worse, absorbing them and reducing profitability​.

How ShipConsole Uncovers Hidden Shipping Costs

ShipConsole offers a robust solution for uncovering and mitigating the hidden costs in small parcel shipping. By leveraging multi-carrier, multi-modal shipping software, companies can streamline their shipping processes, gain better visibility into costs, and make more informed decisions.

ERP Integration for Seamless Operations

One of the biggest advantages of ShipConsole is its seamless integration with Oracle ERPs. This integration allows companies to manage small parcel shipping operations within their existing systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving efficiency. By centralizing data, ShipConsole provides a single source of truth for all shipping-related activities, from carrier selection to cost analysis​.

Quoting and Rating: The Power of Comparison

With ShipConsole, shippers can compare rates across multiple carriers directly from their ERP system. This data-driven approach ensures that you always choose the most cost-effective option, avoiding unnecessary expenses and optimizing your shipping budget.

Address Validation: Reducing Costly Errors

Incorrect addresses lead to delivery delays, additional fees, and dissatisfied customers. ShipConsole’s address validation feature ensures that addresses are accurate before shipping, reducing the risk of errors and avoiding costly re-shipments.

One Platform for Domestic and International Shipping

ShipConsole’s platform is designed to handle both domestic and international shipments from a single interface. This unified approach simplifies the small parcel shipping process, reduces complexity, and ensures that all shipments are handled efficiently, regardless of their destination.

Automated Labeling and Documentation

Generating labels and documentation manually is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. ShipConsole automates this process, allowing you to create accurate labels and necessary documents with just a click. This not only speeds up the shipping process but also ensures compliance with carrier requirements.

Comprehensive Document Management

ShipConsole’s document management feature keeps all shipping-related documents in one place, making it easier to manage records, reduce paper waste, and access information when needed.

Tracking and Proof of Delivery (POD)

Real-time tracking and proof of delivery are essential for maintaining customer satisfaction. ShipConsole provides these features, ensuring that shipments can be monitored in real-time, and proof of delivery is readily available, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Analytics and Dashboards for Better Decision-Making

ShipConsole offers powerful analytics and customizable dashboards that provide insights into shipping performance. These tools help shippers make informed decisions, negotiate better rates with carriers, and identify areas for cost savings.

Carrier SLA Reports and Freight Auditing

Monitoring carrier performance against service level agreements (SLAs) is essential for ensuring that you get the service you’re paying for. ShipConsole’s SLA reports and freight audit features allow you to hold carriers accountable and recover overcharges, further reducing small parcel shipping costs.


Automate and Save with ShipConsole As shipping costs continue to rise, the need for advanced shipping software has never been greater. By integrating ShipConsole into your operations, you can uncover hidden costs, automate processes, and gain the insights needed to make better shipping decisions. The result is lower costs, improved efficiency, and a stronger competitive edge in the marketplace.

Don’t let hidden costs erode your margins. Start uncovering and managing these expenses with ShipConsole and see how much you can save.